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marlstorylyiief@blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dum DiDi Dum
Yesterday is really a bad day!!BADLUCK I MEANT!!So let's skip..
So aft CT2(mly) we shud go fer our D&T lesson bt I,Liyana Farzana,Nabilah & Nangai nvr go coz one of them told us tat we must wait fer teacher in class.So we waited..Half of the class nt half luhs is more than half alrdy go fer their lesson.So we were damn freaking bored , so...we talk,talk&talk...I continue my Art werk coz CT2 paper2 of the day is Art.So i have to finish it.Then one of our classmate came & say tat Mr Ali ask us to go to the office coz we play truancy(I dun really noe how to spell).So i decided to go to D&T class.Reach there then kena lecture & punishment.We have to sty bck on recess coz of the truancy.Nangai nearly cried coz she scared tat teacher will complain to her dad & her dad will beat her up.I was lyk wat's the problem wif me sia!! Lyk small baby..Heii..Mature luhs.We give alot of reason so tat we cn't go fer recess & hope fer a second chance & it werks..WHOOOAAAA...HUUU...Damn freaking happy sia!!At last!Then there is another badluck!!again T_T ...
While play comp. dad ask me fer help to take his specs in his van.I was lazy at tat tym bt i have to coz he will get agry wif me,so yeaaa...go down & open the door & i wanted to take the specs bt I break my dad's specs!!OMG!!!I was gonna be freaking dead...SURE!!SURE!!In lift try to fixed it bt cn't.I really scared sia!!Then go home acted as per normal & go bath.Then mom shouted:Marliyanah!!Ada pecahkn cermin mata abah tak?
Me:Tak!!(obvious i bluff so tat i am nt involve on the trouble..hehehe..)Then i faster change shirt & ask my father wat happened?Act sikit luhs!!Step tak tawuk!!Then dad ask me how come his specs cn get broken..then i said , How i noe? How come sia ? I was lyk laughing coz i am really doing a stupid damn act.Lucky luhs dad nvr scold,he is in a good mood.So tat's all!!


will turn to


heheheh...lame!! T_T
Monday, August 17, 2009

Dum DiDi Dum
Today the same thingy ..Wake up & get ready to sch. Then eat & read books.6:35 mit InnyK at BUZZ.Then go sch. together.Reach sch.continue reading book(Twilight Saga:Breaking Dawn)then go morning assembly as per usual.Aft. assembly we have our first CT2 paper(English).It is not so difficult luhs.Aft the CT2,is maths.DAMN BORING!!CHAM NK TERTIDUR!!!I gt the test result & i failed bt i did better than the first paper.Recess nutin to tell,eat,eat&eat.YEEAA..Lit. is DAMN FUN!!!Aft Lit gt CT2(Geog.)Confuse sia!!Gt difficulty too is the last part which is difficult.Luckily study or else OTAK TRAPPED!!I don't noe the poster thingy.Aft Geog,gt MT & we kena lecture by Mdm Raudzah.PENAT KAKI AKU BERDIRI!!TKP!!!Aft MT gt Sci. & the teacher keep on waiting fer us to gt the wat ans. I also don't noe.Ask student tat is clever don't want stupid sia!!We waited lyk hell man!!Lyk Shit!!Aft the Sci. thingy i mit Wiah outside staffrm bcoz want to mit Mdm Raudzah.We want to give the paper(To inform tat we wanted to change CCA).Then InnyK msg & she said tat she will nt be stying back.I said wait fer me luhs.Then she reply I'm at the Tanah Merah Mrt Station.I was lyk WTF!!U guys..OUH DAMN IT!!Mattar mcm sial!!His bloody fcuking mouth lyk want to punch sia!!Luckily InnyK wanted to wait fer me.Thnx InnyK!!Lurf u so much!!muuuaaacckkk...(;

Aft. pass the paper to Mdm Wang to pass it to Mdm Raudzah,aku cabot luhs shiot!!I was running lyk hell to reach the Mrt station fast I take shortcuts & i was running lyk hell.Running as if i was having a Marathon competition.Is lyk WTH!!Tired sia!!Reach at the platform & saw InnyK & Mattar.Stupid Mattar!!Hate him!!Chiow ChiBek!!In Mrt talking out loud as if it's in our home.Hahhhaaa..LOL!!Actually is nt funny at all.Reach Mrt Station(eunos)Mattar cham bdk kecik sia!!Nmpk sah mmg!!So tat's the end of the Stupid Story!!
Lyk Shit sia!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dum DiDi Dum
Morning wake up at 9:45am & do chores!chores!chores.Then play comp. awhile.As usually play pet society.I was waiting fer my uncle & aunt.They wanted to teach me,Shil&Wirda ngaji(religious class).Wait her until she came at 12:15.Shil doesn't paying attention,then i shouted at tat moment of tym my aunt came & Shil tot tat is MAKCIK KEROPOK!!(aunt keropok)She keep on shouting & shouting.I laugh,laugh & laugh.She was saying lyk this:Korang aja MUIS nyek org,knape luhs gy lepaskn nik MAKCIK KEROPOK!!then i was laughing & laughing.Then she saw my aunt,then she realise it wasn't the MAKCIK KEROPOK who came.Hahahs...LOL!!She go home & get ready fer ngaji.Waited fer her fer so long.Go down to her hse & call them.They still haven't get ready.I was lyk WTH r u doing ghurl!!So late alrdy u know tat!!Korang lmbt mcm pengantin sia!!Pengantin pon kalah.Aft. ngaji then we eat,eat&eat.yeaa..take pic. as well.So that's today story.
Here gt some pic to let u all see.

Photobucket[[Me & Shil]]Photobucket[[Myself]]Photobucket[[Shila]]Photobucket[[She was so cute]]Photobucket[[me & her again]]Photobucket[[Shil is eating]]
This pic tat i'm going to let u see is abit weird,funny & crazy.
Photobucket[[Wirda was lyk MINAH ARAB mane ntah?]]Photobucket[[This too]]

My dad called her,tis is OSAMA BIN LADEN's wife.We were lyk laughing.Haahhhaaaaahsss....LOL!!

Kay!! Bye guys!!

Dum DiDi Dum
Tis tym my story is a bit sad.Yeaa...It is all abt Kak Syaidah(my future sistainlaw)She is the most loving one.YUP!!YUP!!she is.Alrite here the thing,while i was playing comp & check my blog Kak Syaidah came.She look happy at first(that is her usual character).She serve us fd & joke with my mom & myself.FUNNY!!!Then dad came home & talk abt upcoming engagement on the Sept. btw my brother(Mudz) & Kak Syaidah itself.Then Kak Syaidah tell us tat she is no longer stying at Bedok.She will be moving to Yishun & sty with her fav. uncle by this end of the month.So Sad!!Actually there is a prob. which i cn't tell u guys.SORIE!!She's been crying bcoz her prob. with her step father.I HATE HER STEP FATHER!!He shudn't do tat to her!!How dare!!I was lyk crying all my tears out bt i try nt too.My brother & kak syaidah wedding is coming soon.So i hope their dream to bcome a husband & wife cn be real.
ilurf her so much coz i treat her as my own sista.She had replace herself with my sis(ASMARENA).My sis tat had died since 1977.Juz born & straight awy god take her lyf.So sad luhs bt wat to do.We are juz human & juz bear-d with it.

So tat's all
Juz don't be sad sis.
ily more than myself. (;
Friday, August 14, 2009

Dum DiDi Dum
In the morning i decided to go out & enjoy since tat day was NDP day. I do all my chores as fast as possible. So i call Shil & Wirda & ask them weder they cn go out or nt. They said tat their mom allowed them.So planned to go at 4pm.Wen want to go out their mom suddenly scold them w/o reason. I was lyk ALAMAK !! GARANGNYE MUMMY!!yeaaa...tat is wat i called their mom:Mummy. She scold Wirda:PUKI MAK KAU !!! Wirda was lyk so shocked & she have no mood to go at first. I force her until she want to.So she go with us.We were on our way to EunosMRT station & while walking , we were laughing & tell jokes so tat we nt easily get bored.yeaa..then proceed to buy Standardcard fer Shil & Wirda.It cost abt $2.40 frm Eunos to City Hall.So expensive sia !!I have to pay fer both of them coz i had promised them to pay fer their food & transport.In Mrt we were looking fer the map & Shil decide to stop at Marina Bay.So i agreed.We reached there & walking all the way(actually we were nt sure where were we going)skali jln mati !! BODOH !!We were confuse at first bt at last we ask one mly bus driver.
Shil:Pakcik!!mane ah nk gy Esplanade?
Busdriver:Ouh..Adek jln straight jek.Lps nmpk traffic light belok kanan.
Shil:Ok!! terima kasih pakcik.
So we walk straight & the road is(hard to explain!!).Once again we finding lyk hell & at last we follow ppl.Tired sia!!! walk,walk,walk still haven't reach.Wen we walk,walk then saw Esplanade.
Wirda&Shil:Penat luhs!!Lapar luhs!!
Me:Same luhs !!
there gt alot of ppl.Pack lyk sardine!!I get to bored standing there & plan to go Vivo.yeeaaa..Reach there & our first place to find is either Mcd,LJS or KFC.Walk,walk again & saw LJS.We buy fd & lepak pt 'SkyScape' or 'SkyPark'(i also dunno).Decided to see firework there.We eat up at the 'SkyScape' or 'SkyPark'.Then we play in the water & take picture.Tgh syiokk!!skali ppl running to see firework.Apalagi !! we run luhs lyk small kid lyk tat.LOL!!So unlucky us nt to get to see the firework.GGGrrrr...So we went straight home.
Here gt some pic. to let u see
Photobucket[[Me & Shil in MRT]]
Photobucket[[Me,Shil & Wirda 1]]
Photobucket[[Me,Shil & Wirda 2]]
Photobucket [[Shil 1]]
Photobucket [[Wirda 1]]
Photobucket [[Me 1]]
Photobucket [[Shil 2]]
Photobucket [[Wirda 2]]
Photobucket [[Me 2]]

That's All
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dum DiDi Dum
Wake up in the morning & get ready .
Mit InnyK & go sch. together .

Reach sch. as per usual read my fav. book of Twilight Saga:Breaking Dawn .
Assemble at 7:15 at the parade .
Science is a bit boring till i nearly asleep . So Tired !!
Eng. gt test & i am nt ready . Panic jap !! Hahahhaaaaa !! LOL
Recess lyk WTH !! Nangai was telling me that she saw ghost in her hse & I was lyk
Is it ??? Cn't b'liv sia !!
then gt Geog. & the class was so noisy & I was lyk getting more sleepy .
ME we were playing volleyball with Shanelle,Aishah,Zahirah,Nurliana & Xin Ying
We were lyk laughing out lyk hell . I was nearly injured same goes to Nurliana .
Zahirahlah go throw the ball and hit her eyes !! Kesian Nurliana !!
Maths is sucks !! yaaa ... So boring
Mother Tongue is freedom .
Aft. sch. go math test & it is damn hard sia !! I only attempt 4 qns.
Is lyk WTH !!
Go home do chores !!
Night play comp. & study a bit .
Wen brother juz cum bck frm werk ,
he force me to go down & buy fd .. I was lyk ERRGGGGHHHHHHHHH ...
Go down with Shil & Wirda . Walk,walk,walk then Wirda go step cockroach & she was shouting
lyk hell.I was laughing out my throat(ketawa cham kene sampuk gitu luhs) & she go knock her head on me !!!!SO PAIN SIA !! Urghhh !! Sakit Shiol !! then aft. buy fd then go home continue play comp.
So that's all .
bye guys !!
I tired sia !!I WANT SLEEP !!!

will be continue ..